In this Queen Bee Session we talk with La Donna Green of Growing Green Gardens Network in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. La Donna has an incredible story - but one that will resonate with many of us - about how she started a new and innovative urban gardening network in the midst of COVID, with children. Now she's known in her educator role at urban gardens and farms across the city and she's working with UW Extension and the Victory Garden Initiative to get more people "going and growing," including disabled neighbors who want to get in the dirt, too. Listen in to learn just a little bit about all the amazing things happening in urban ag across Milwaukee, and find out how you can get involved, too! Watch the VIDEO HERE.

SESSION TWELVE 1-20-24: Laura Fredrickson Gosewisch
To kick off 2024, we chat with Laura Fredrickson Gosewisch, of Vital Ground Farm. Laura is a market grower, market manager, certified clinical massage therapist, and a farmer wellness coach. Of course, we at WiWiC love her for more than those awesome overalls - she has been a frequent presenter for our webinars and field days. We talked about the life challenges that led her to farm, and the intersection of her wellness training and her passion to see all people thrive. We talked about how a farmer's top New Year's resolutions should be: 1)learn to listen to your body and 2)learn to do what it asks. Laura
Watch the VIDEO HERE, or click below to listen on Spotify.

SESSION ELEVEN 8-1-23: Heidi Hankley
In this Queen Bee Session we visit with Heidi Hankley, a prairie property owner in rural Green County. Heidi won the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources State Natural Areas Volunteer Steward of the Year award in 2022 for a decade of efforts to preserve and enhance the York Prairie State Natural Area, a 145-acre public prairie down the road. We talk about seed collecting, managing volunteer projects and family, how art and land stewardship connect for her, and how it all started with salamanders and cousins.
Watch the VIDEO HERE, or click below to listen on Spotify.

SESSION TEN 7-1-23: Pattie Schevers
In this episode, we're talking with Patti Schevers of Our Thunder Moon, a fourth generation land steward on her family's Century Farm in Oneida, WI. Patti, her family, and her partner Brad took the property's 100 acres through a conservation transformation in 2020. With the help of Pheasants Forever and federal conservation programs, they were able to plant 10,000 trees and shrubs, plant 90 acres of native prairie wildflowers and grasses and create three wildlife scrapes. Patti talks about how the project was funded, how the plan evolved, and what her hope is for this incredible farm. Watch the VIDEO HERE, or click below to listen on Spotify.

In this episode, we're talking with Lauren Langworthy of Blue Ox Farm in Wheeler. Lauren calls herself a grass farmer and explores her farm history from organic veggies to grazing diverse livestock. She’s also the director of Special Projects with Wisconsin Farmers Union and discusses the importance of mentorship and support in the farm community. The Queen Bee Sessions feature Wisconsin women farmers, landowners and conservationists who are making strides to protect soil, water, and wildlife in our fair state. the VIDEO HERE, or click below to listen on Spotify.

This month we’re talking with Joy Miller of Keewaydin Farms, in Viola, Wisconsin, and the Executive Director of Driftless Curiosity, a land-based non-profit that seeks to foster the public's connection to conservation and land. Miller helps run the farm’s CSA and hosts 30 experiential events on the farm each season. We talk all things conservation and inspiration and hear about the farm's new Bird Lovers' Project. Follow her Driftless Curiosity Journal on instagram and Facebook. Read the Journal and sign up for events at Drifltesscuriosity.org. Watch the podcast VIDEO HERE or click below to listen on Spotify.

For Women's History Month we wanted to highlight two generations of change makers. We spoke with artist/activists Una VanDuvall, the MKE Women's Urban Ag Network community organizer, and her daughter Ife Olatunji, a visual ethnographer who founded Freedom Lover Films. The conversation moves from Milwaukee to Los Angeles and then across the world, but stays rooted in their family heritage with the African American pioneer settlement in Nicodemus, Kansas. Watch the VIDEO HERE or click below to listen on Spotify.

Kirsten Jurcek of Brattset Family Farm works on nearly 300 acres in Southeast Wisconsin - including woodlands, hayfields, pasture and wildlife habitat - much of it in a permanent ag easement. She is a busy grazing specialist with Glacierland Resource, Conservation and Development - where she develops grazing plans for clients and arranges field days on farms across the eastern part of the state. Kirsten embodies the Glacierland motto: “Conservation that Works! Bringing together science and community to grow Wisconsin’s economy and protect our natural resources.” Watch the VIDEO HERE or click below to listen.

WiWiC Conservation Coach Harriet Behar is a true Queen Bee. She's grown organically on her Gays Mills farm since the 1980s, and has gotten to know hundreds of Wisconsin farms and farmers as an organic inspector. Harriet uses this vast experience and knowledge to coach, educate and encourage countless fellow conservation farmers. Learn how her organic journey started in the heart of NYC! Watch the VIDEO HERE or click below to listen.

Session #3 is a conversation with Marci Hess, the author of Driftless Prairies Blog. Whether you are new to prairie stewardship, or a long-time practitioner, you'll find something new or exciting or challenging or encouraging on Marci's blog, and in this conversation. Her best advice to women just starting out in prairie restoration: "Chunk it out." Watch the VIDEO HERE to learn what she means, or listen in on Spotify.

Our good friend and founding member of the WiWiC team, Jennifer Nelson, stepped down last month to focus full-time on her organic nursery operation at Humble Pie Farm in Plum City. We're grateful she took the time during her busy greenhouse season to talk with WiWiC Communications Lead Kriss Marion about soil health, mental health and community health. Watch the VIDEO HERE or click below to listen.

We're delighted to launch our Queen Bee Sessions Podcast in Women's History Month. WiWiC Communications Lead Kriss Marion talks with August Ball of Cream City Conservation and Consulting - also known as C4 - based in Milwaukee with a world-wide reach. Watch the VIDEO HERE, or click below to listen on Spotify.