Well, it has been just a minute since our most recent Educator Network Zoom meet-up! But it was a good one, and we're all snowed in across most of Wisconsin, so it's a good day to get the recording and resources out to you. If you attended, thank you for being a part of such a lively discussion. If you missed it, this is your chance to catch up. For everyone - here is the recording AND a bodacious list of resources shared by the amazing sister duo of Heather Berklund, Wisconsin's first and current Chief State Forester, and Erin Schneider, artist/educator/farmer at Hilltop Community Farm. These bi-annual webinars are always interactive and always incredible. Stay tuned for our Spring Meet-Up on April 4 and join us for our upcoming Winter Wellness Camp webinar series!
WI DNR: Forestry | Wisconsin DNR
WI DNR Forestry Landowner Assistance Locator: Professional Forestry Assistance | | Wisconsin DNR
Trillion Trees Pledge: Trillion Trees Pledge | | Wisconsin DNR
Forestry and the WI Economy (can search by individual counties): Forestry and the Wisconsin Economy | | Wisconsin DNR
Into the Outdoors Video: Heroes of the Forest (careers in forestry): https://intotheoutdoors.org/segments/heroes-of-the-forest/
UWSP Forestry Center: Wisconsin Forestry Center Home - Wisconsin Forestry Center | UWSP
Silvicast Podcast: SilviCast - Wisconsin Forestry Center | UWSP
WI LEAF K-12 Education: LEAF - Wisconsin's K-12 Forestry Education Program - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (uwsp.edu)
UW Extension Natural Resources Educators, Forestry Division of Extension: UW-Madison Extension Forestry (woodlandinfo.org)
MyWisconsinWoods (free landowner walkthroughs): Home - My Wisconsin Woods
Women of WI Woodland owners Association (WWOA); Women of WWOA (wisconsinwoodlands.org)
Native Plants for Cut Flowers - Developed in support with Marian Farrior, UW Madison Arboretum
The National Agroforestry Center has some good publications/info sheets on windbreaks, riparian buffers etc...that provide a more general background.
North Central SARE Program - I think the Farmer Rancher Grant, Partnership Grant and/or Prof. Development Grant programs may resonate for your network.

Thank you for being a part of our Educator Network, and thank you, Heather and Erin! Did you know we have a women-only WiWiC Listserv that is a great place to share more resources like these? And ask questions? To join, just email info@wiwic.org and put Subscribe in the subject line.